Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Sick. Everyone is sick. Again. This make 3 times this winter already! Usually we have a cold or the flu pass through the house once a year, but for whatever reason this year everyone seems to be more susceptible. So I'm home with a to-do list that's a page long, trying to keep all my little sickies comfortable. What I really want to do is take a hot shower and go to bed. But, no. There is no such thing as days off when you're me. Not even sick days. Hopefully I can knock out some of this ungodly amount of English homework I have to do. Especially the one that is going to take awhile according to my teacher, as she failed to provide the link to do the actual assignment. I really think I'm going to ask for my money back.... Why am I paying this professor to not teach me? Its getting pretty ridiculous.

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