I'm disappointed in myself. I had hoped to write this blog daily like I was supposed to, and come away with some new-found appreciation and understanding of the writing process. I had hoped I would be a better writer. I don't know if I am or not, as I don't really consider myself a writer in any respects. Writing is an art form, and I am no artist.
I found that most days I didn't know what to write about. Looking back over my previous posts, my blog is almost painful to read. Full of rants and ramblings, topics that are uninteresting, some posts don't really even have a topic! My posts appear shallow and superficial to me, which is one of the reasons I'm disappointed. I'm not a shallow person, but I am also not very comfortable opening up my thoughts to the entire online world. And I do enough writing about topics I have zero interest in, just for the sake of filling the page, in all of my classes.
I will say that I have become better at writing without editing. I have been practicing letting all my ideas flow out without trying to edit while I write. I knew as soon as I read that article that I was guilty of this. Having the freedom of the blog to just write (however boringly) has actually helped me in that respect.
I'd like to say that I'm a better writer after this experience, but that would be a lie. I can, however, say with certainty that I am not a worse writer for having done this.